Journal for Fluid Power, Automation and Mechatronics
The main mission of VENTIL is the transfer of knowledge into practice, the further development and popularization of the areas of fluid power, automation and mechatronics, and care for the technical terminology in these areas.
Publisher: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Editor-in-chief: izr. prof. dr. Miroslav Halilovič
Assistant editor: izr. prof. dr. Franc Majdič
Desk editor: Roman Putrih
The Journal is subsidized by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS)
Curent issue: August, 30 / 2024 / 4
Featured articles
INNO2MARE – Pilot projects to strengthen the capacity and scientific excellence of Slovenian and Croatian innovation ecosystems
The LASIM laboratory at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, is coordinator of the INNO2MARE project, which aims to strengthen the capacities for excellence in the innovation ecosystem of Western Slovenia and the Adriatic Croatia through a set of jointly designed and implemented actions that will support the digital and green transition of the maritime and related industries.
Petra Pintar, doc. dr. Marko Šimic, prof. dr. Niko Herakovič, univ. dipl. inž., all from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
Durability tests of 3D printed water-hydraulic proportional directional control valves
Despite the fact that water is rarely used in power-control hydraulics (PCH), advanced technologies such as 3D printing of metal components are opening new possibilities for the wider adoption of water PCH. With metal 3D printing, valve mass can be significantly reduced while improving flow characteristics, thanks to the ability to produce complex internal geometries not achievable with traditional methods.
Žan Spačal, študent. izr. prof. dr. Franc Majdič, univ. dipl. inž., prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin, univ. dipl-. inž., dr. Ana Trajkovski, univ. dipl. inž., Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo
LEAP – razvoj zaščitne embalaže iz alternativnih lignoceluloznih vlaken
Laboratorij LADISK na Fakulteti za strojništvo Univerze v Ljubljani deluje kot koordinator projekta LEAP, katerega cilj je razvoj naslednje generacije trajnostne funkcionalne em- balaže. Ta vključuje gradnike iz odpadne biomase invazivnih tujerodnih rastlinskih vrst in omogoča izdelavo novih, konstrukcijsko visoko zmogljivih embalažnih rešitev. Projekt je izjemno pomemben, saj se osredotoča na trajnostni prehod v krožno ekonomijo, ki te- melji na biološki razgradljivosti in zmanjšanju porabe deviških materialnih virov, obenem pa obravnava problematiko recikliranja odpadkov tujerodnih rastlinskih vrst.
Gregor Čepon, Gregor Ševerkar, Miha Pogačar, Urška Kavčič, David Ravnjak, Jawad Elomari, Aleš Mihelič, Miha Bolteža
Science and expert articles
Overview of adsorption thermal storage technologies
Current energy policies focus on transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, whose main drawback is their intermittency. To address this challenge, seasonal thermal storage systems are being developed, enabling the storage and use of heat over extended periods, typically several months or even an entire season.
Key steps for establishing sustainable production
In a modern industrial environment, manufacturing facilities include various systems and processes, such as assembly, welding, machining and cutting, which are used to produce parts and finished products. With the world’s transition to sustainable practices, encouraged by global and European regulations, companies need to align their operations to achieve sustainable development goals.
Advantages of using engineering polymers for green (efficient) and sustainable hydraulic components
Engineering polymers have proven to have very promising tribological properties and successfully follow high-performance thermoplastics. In our research, we tested and analyzed polyoxymethylene (POM) for the very demanding operating conditions of hydraulic on/off valves.