Certification According to Cradle to Cradle® Method
Mag. Marko Krajner, univ. dipl. inž., 3ZEN, d. o. o., Ljubljana, Izr. prof. dr. Roman Kunič, univ. dipl. inž., Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
The Cradle to Cradle® concept defines and develops the reuse of products. Compared to traditional recycling, it maintains the same level of quality of raw materials through the life cycles of several products, and only safe chemicals are used.
Products are developed in accordance with the principle of maintaining the quality of raw materials over several life cycles, even if we take into account the use, production processes and reuse. This means: no waste, since all ingredients are treated as nutrients for the next cycle. The right materials are included in certain cycles (metabolism) at the right time and in the right place.
The approach of a circular economy analyzes the recycling economy in the value chain, which leads to the generation of revenue from recycled materials. Cradle to Cradle® defines quality preservation as well as the cost-effectiveness of the value-added chain. Re-use materials from Cradle to Cradle® products allow the cost of materials to be as close as possible to the cost of materials. Even if additional costs arise due to processing or cleaning, they are still lower than the market price of the material.
The Cradle to Cradle® model transposes the principle »quality is equal to quantity« to industrial systems. The flow of materials is designed to be useful and useful for the restoration and conservation of biological and technical resources. This approach stems from the tendency to slow down and reduce the negative impacts on the environment.
Breakthrough projects and innovations of Bayonix, Werner & Mertz, Wolford and Bicar will be presented.
Cradle To Cradle, Sustainable Development, Certification