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Development and research of the prototype of the Stewart platform

30. December, 2020 | Exposed articles, Science and expert articles

Jan Pustavrh, dipl. inž.; doc. dr. Aljoša Peperko, univ. dipl. inž., doc. dr. Franc Majdič, univ. dipl. inž.; oba Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo

Simulations of human emotions under real conditions are very popular nowadays. A simulation of six degrees of freedom was made possible by the development of the Gough-Stewart platform in 1947. The electrically driven miniature Stewart platform was first produced in the Laboratory for fluid power and controls in 2019. Based on this experience, a hydraulic prototype of the Stewart platform with six degrees of freedom was produced. It consists of two irregular hexagon frames and six actuators. In this case six hydraulic cylinders, a hydraulic power unit and an electro-hydraulic control system were used. The platform was placed on a stand on which all components necessary for its operation were mounted. The most demanding part of the project was the production of the control part, as all six hydraulic cylinders are constantly moving during operation. After a prototype of the Stewart platform had been manufactured, a test run was carried out and the first measurements are presented in the article. In the future, in-depth research will be conducted on the reaction of differently loaded upper platforms to their dynamic control. It is also planned to build a larger hydraulic platform on which the cockpit of a smaller aircraft will be installed.

Stewart platform, 6 degrees of freedom, hydraulic components, simulators

Science and expert articles

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