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Development of the hydraulic system of the Stewart platform

13. March, 2023 | Exposed articles, Science and expert articles

Jan Pustavrh, mag. inž. str., doc. dr. Aljoša Peperko, prof. mat., doc. dr. Franc Majdič, univ. dipl. inž.; vsi Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo

The Stewart platform allows simulation in six degrees of freedom. It consists of two irregular hexagons connected by six actuators – hydraulic cylinders. The controlled simultaneous retraction or extraction of the piston rods from the tubes of the hydraulic cylinders changes the length of each leg, achieving the movement of the upper moving platform, which is described using a mathematical background. The dimensioning of the hydraulic system was the basis for the design of a larger hydraulic platform with a load capacity of 2500 kg. On the existing smaller prototype of a hydraulic Stewart platform, we performed a mathematical calculation of the pilot-school circuit, created a simulation program and made measurements of the hydraulic parameters.

degrees of freedom, Stewart platform, design, hydraulics, control, measurements

Science and expert articles

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