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I 4.0 experiences by ergonomics integrating into smart homes

29. July, 2020 | Exposed articles, Science and expert articles

Doc. dr. Branislav Šmitek, univ. dipl. org., prof. dr. Zvone Balantič, univ. dipl. inž., oba Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede
On every step, we encounter the term Industry 4.0, which at first glance defines only the field of an emerging modern industry, but in reality, I 4.0 is closely related to the concepts of the Internet of Things – (IoT) and the Internet of People (IoP). I 4.0 indicates the wireless connectivity of sensors with cybernetic systems that transform and process signals and through the actuators guide these signals to the control object and back. With that approach we are also putting ergonomics in new frames.

A review and analysis of the theoretical background of the professional and scientific literature leads us towards the implementation of I 4.0 in a smart living environment. The analytical approach offers solutions that reliably accomplish their mission, including intelligent software tools even with smart houses.

Industrial cybernetic systems enable the optimal management of production through decentralized, self-managed processes. We can also present a similar model in a smart living environment, where smart modules successfully communicate with each other and inform us about the current state of the system.

The living environment of the future will contain all the technological elements of Industry 4.0 in which human will be in the spotlight even more. Its interactive collaboration with the environment and with adapted collaborative robots will generate a new relationship in the modern cybernetic system. By implementation of new technologies, classic elements of ergonomics will be easier to reach and more flexible.

Ergonomics, Industry 4.0, Smart House

Science and expert articles

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