Narrow gap submerged arc welding of heavy wall stainless steel forgings
Dr. Matej Pleterski, univ. dipl. inž., Janez Vajdič, univ. dipl. inž., oba Numip, d. o. o., Ljubljana;
izr. prof. dr. Damjan Klobčar, univ. dipl. inž., Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo
Submerged arc welding is one of most productive arc welding processes. In combination of narrow gap weld groove besides high melting rate, superior weld quality and arc energy efficiency it offers also minor weld volume, less bevelling, lower cumulative heat input, less parent material melting, narrower heat effected zone and lower welding deformations. Present paper resumes execution of welding or weld replicas manufacturing, which are typical for Russian pressurized water reactor design nuclear power plants with the aim of education, training and qualification of non-destructive examination personnel. Development of welding parameters, selection of welding materials and consumables, welding procedure qualification as well as cylindrical forging welding is presented and analysed. The approach towards demands and execution itself was confirmed by mechanical testing and volumetric non-destructive examinations which revealed zero non-conformances or indications.
Key words:
SAW, stainless steel, narrow gap, non-destructive examination (NDE)