Air release of used hydraulic mineral-based oils
Dr. Milan Kambič, univ. dipl. inž., Olma, d. o. o., Ljubljana;
Prof. dr. Darko Lovrec, univ. dipl. inž., Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo
Prispevek je bil v originalni obliki, v angleškem jeziku, predstavljen na mednarodni konferenci Fluidna tehnika/Fluid Power 2023.
The presence of air in the hydraulic system or in the hydraulic fluid itself, either in its elementary form e.g., as an air pocket or bubble, or in the form of dissolved air, causes much inconvenience. This is manifested in the form of unwanted operation of the hydraulic system, causing accelerated ageing of the fluid, especially mineral oil.
Apart from knowing the measures to prevent air intrusion into the hydraulic system, it is also important to know the tendency of each type of hydraulic oil to foam and its air release property. A discussion of the air release property of mineral oil usually refers to different types of fresh hydraulic oils. How this property is reflected and changes in the case of already used and chemically degraded hydraulic oils is discussed in the present paper.
Ključne besede:
hydraulic oil, air release, used oils, test, results